Sorry it is taking so long for my blog to get updated with new photos. My home computer is having some issues with letting me go to Google, Bing, and Blogger <--- and Blogger is very important to me and it won't let me on. So I can't put new pictures up. I am extremely sad, and upset. But I am trying to figure it out. Hopefully My smart Uncle can figure out whats wrong. I think It has to do something with the Wireless Router we got for Christmas. But I love the wireless Router then I can watch Netflixs. We will just have to see.... I pray though, that it will get fixed. Or I will be extremely sad. :[

Falslev Winter Fotoshoot

My Aunt asked me if I would take some Winter family shots for her! Said yes! :) It was my first winter one!

Here are a few pics!

And me just for fun! :)

Jessica's Fall Fotoshoot

I Senior from last year named Jessica asked if I would do a fotoshoot for her! I did :) Here are some of the pictures!

Nield Fall Fotoshoot

My Cousin asked me if I would take pictures of her family! Yes I did :)
Here are a few of the shots!

Allison and Amanda Fall Fotoshoot

In the fall Allison asked me if I would do a photo-shoot for her and her friend. Of course I said yes! They were hilarious! I have never laughed so much in a photo-shoot!

Here are a few of the pictures!