July Photoshoot, and February Photoshoot

Hi everybody! Today I am going to show some pictures that I took during this month and in February of my sister Brianne. She is really photogenic when she wants to be. I think personally that taking pictures of people is the hardest because you have to actually make them do things and look at the camera. While taking pictures of flowers and such you just take it and that's all you get. It is kind of hard for me to decide on how I want the picture to look like in the final end. I mean you can choose all kinds of things to make the picture look different. For example you can have it look like it has tin, or cooper, or even x-rayed. I just think it is hard to pick. But I end up picking one, and then later think I could of done something better... anyways. 

One thing I need to really start working on is always saving the original picture. I rarely do... Not good. Because once I save it as the same thing I can't go back and start over. But I am working on it :)  
But anyways I wish I could show you the pictures before all the editing but I have deleted all the originals :( {sniff sniff} So I will try to explain what I did. 

I think I will start with the pictures from February first.

I think this is about the time my sister finally got her braces off. She had them on for like 2 years! So she is pretty happy!! Sad to say but I brightened her teeth. Actually I pretty much do that on every picture! I softened the face. And made the eyes POP out and Sparkle! So yep I like this one! 

This one has it's ups and downs. To me and looks spooky like there is some guy coming after her or I don't know... It just has a look to it.  I wish I hadn't made it so grainy but what can I do now?  Nothin...

I like this one, except now I wish she had a more serious look but maybe she is just looking at a butterfly or something! Ha!

I like this one even though I barely did anything extra to it! My sisters not a big fan of this one, but I really like the serious look in her eyes and how her mouth is open slightly. I like it a lot.

So while taking pictures the bull was kinda scary like hitting the side of the barn and making a weird noise. A noise I can not type in words! Okay I will try; MAwahaaa! Okay! See I knew I couldn't type it! But we thought it would be a cool picture trying to kiss it. To bad she didn't get closer and make it look like she was actually kissing it... Next time...

People might not like how I made her pants look like a cartoon and such but I like the touch. The picture wouldn't work out if I did her face too but what Can I do. I like it personally. Kinda old fashion. Never mind.  I will call it Cartoon look!

Now to July ones!

I was kind of lazy on this photo... so not my favorite one, or the background.

For some reason my sister wanted her eyes bluer then they already where so I made them like that... I also made the wood that was painted red more red! So yep...

Sister on the road... Enough said.

So on all the other pictures Brianne's shirt was a dark purple but I had enough of it so I made it more gray. I also darkened her hair. And it made a good touch to the photo although its not her real color of hair.

So here is the same photo. Just I made it have a Tin look and burned the wood... not for real just photoshoped it to look burned. I like this one a lot better.

And a picture of a shadow of me! Yep... enough said.

So overall people are harder to take pictures of. And I am still learning a lot! Thanks for viewing!

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